Thursday, November 8, 2018

What Goes on a Rabbit Show Packing List?

Being brand new to showing rabbits I was overwhelmed with wondering about what to pack for my first show.  Then getting there, I felt extremely unprepared and had wished I had brought at least a dozen other items with me.

Then comes my second show and I pack those dozen extra things, or at least I think I do.  Of coarse something always gets forgotten and I find myself sending my husband to the farm supply store for things like hay and pellets and zip ties of all things to not bring enough of.  Needless to say I truly felt completely unprepared.  I discovered I needed things like bigger bowls to hold enough water for my rabbits to last them for an over night stay and a cage scooper/scraper to clean out the litter the next morning.  I had not known this particular show was a cooped show and the rabbits would have to stay over night or even what a cooped show was before I got there.  Something I had not expected or been prepared for now I know.

Then comes our first out of state stay in a hotel over night rabbit show.  What an experience.  We loved it.  Being prepared for this show was a must in my opinion.  So I turned to my friends and other experienced showman on a couple of the rabbit facebook groups I am members of and I asked them to help me out by naming five things that they recommend you need to take with you to a rabbit show.  I also asked that one of the items on their list be something they forgot or really needed at the last show they attended.

The answers I got were great and they really helped me prepare for our first out of state show.  So I have started to develop a rabbit show packing list.  This list is based on answers from my post, and from friends, as well as from things I realized through personal experience these last three shows that I could not do without.

My Rabbit Show Packing List:

directions to show location
paperwork for rabbits entered in the show and entry forms
rabbits entered in the show
paperwork and pedigrees for all rabbits you are selling
rabbits for sale if allowed at the show

feed: hay & pellets
extra pellets for transfer feed for sale rabbits
ziploc bags
water for rabbits

carriers prepped with water and food bowls big enough for an overnight stay for your breed of rabbit and an resting mat to allow them to get off the wire
cage tags to id your rabbits and mark for sale ones
extra carrier space in case you buy a rabbit
extra pine shavings and puppy pads for carrier pans if staying over night
scooper/scraper for cage cleaning
cage cover or large blanket with clips to secure it

table legs
grooming table
ear wipes
body wipes
rabbit nail clippers
water sprayer
grooming towels
tattoo pen and ink
wet wipes for ink spills and other clean up jobs
first aid kit for rabbits

chair for me
notebook & pen
a spare change of clothes
first aid kit for people
a warm jacket
chapstick/lip gloss
hand sanitizer
food I am allowed to eat
entertainment for me for while I wait for my rabbit's breed to go on the table

zip ties
shop towels
no fingers in cages sign
hole punch
paper towels
a large tote to help hold and carry all of your rabbit supplies in
large enough vehicle to bring everything you purchase home

What do you all think?  Is the list big enough?  Would you call it comprehensive?  What isn't on it that you take with you to a rabbit show that you think is a must have that I should be adding to my packing list?  I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.  So leave me a comment below.

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